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Chat with Ruthie… My Weight Loss Story

Chat with Ruthie… My Weight Loss Story


Let me just begin by saying that I’m writing this post because several people have asked me to share this part of my life. The NEXT thing is, I feel very vulnerable sharing all this. Even though I really don’t want to write about it, I am–in hopes that maybe someone out there who may have the same struggles will benefit somehow…


Whew, OK… here we go!


I’ve never had the type of metabolism that just “rocks” AND I’ve never been able to eat whatever, whenever, and that sort of thing.  To tell you the truth… I always felt a little cheated because my body didn’t work that way.  Like all those skinny-minny friends of mine who could eat junk 24-7 and still be skinny minnies!  Now, that I’m older and a little wiser I’ve realized that ultimately this fact about my body has worked in my best interest.   How, you ask??  I’ve had to really get to know my body and in doing so I’ve learned a lot about health, balanced eating, and exercise habits.


In early elementary school I was a pretty normal-sized kid… until about 3rd grade when I started to put on weight.  I remember kids making fun of me at school.  I remember being called names and being sad a lot because of what kids said to me. Quite honestly that whole experience has given me so much compassion for people, that I’m really careful about passing judgement– we never know what another person is going through.

Ruthie and Camey (approx 2nd grade)

Ruthie and Camey (approx 2nd grade)

Cam and Ruthie with Jason, Emily (one of the only pic's I have with my half siblings)

Cam and Ruthie with Jason, Emily  (my half siblings) about 3rd grade.

The summer before seventh grade I went to my first Weight Watchers class with a neighbor of ours because she was already going and I’m sure my mom had talked to her about it (just speculating).   I remember dreading weighing in at the first of each class.  I remember one week I’d gained some weight and they asked me what I’d been eating?  I replied I’d eaten a lot of grapes that week, which was completely true.   I was totally confused when they said that even a lot of grapes could make me gain weight!  I mean it’s not like I said I’d eaten 10 cakes in the past week, right?

Ruthie, Lisa, Tara, and Camey (I'm in 6th grade)

Ruthie, Lisa, Tara, and Camey (I was in 6th grade)

Ruthie 7th grade

Ruthie 8th grade

Needless to say my body continued to be a mystery to me for many years.  I had a love-hate relationship with food.  Sometimes it haunted me… that pan of brownies on the counter.  It would seriously call my name (and I don’t even like brownies)!

The summer before 9th grade I was finally able to lose about 25 pounds by sheer determination.  I gave up all sugar and ate only 3 small meals a day.  I remember finally being pleased with my school picture and I felt pretty good about myself and the way I looked.  From this time forward began a battle in my mind with sugar… I thought the only way for me to stay thin was to never eat it.  Removing sugar from my diet was the only way I’d had success in losing weight–so I thought it was the answer; BUT that way of thinking began my extreme swings– I went from totally abstaining to eventually giving in to a binge!  AND back AND forth… Along with that pendulum swing came my good and bad association with food.

When I was able to stay completely away from sugar I was being “good” and when I didn’t I was “bad”… needless to say my weight would fluctuate and so would my self esteem accordingly.

11th grade before Junior Prom with Louise

11th grade before Junior Prom with Louise.. we liked big hair!

Senior Picture

Senior Picture

I graduated from High School and went off to college where I promptly gained my freshman 15!  (pounds, that is)  I, once again, went completely off sugar but I’d figured out that probably getting some regular exercise would help too, so I started to do a little running everyday.   I lost that weight and probably a little bit more.  I remember the day I stood on the scale in my parents bathroom and it said 141 pounds… I’m tall!  5’10” then (I’ve shrunk an inch now) so that’s a pretty slender weight for someone my height.


I met my kids’ dad and even though we were really young, we decided to get married and then about 9 months later I found out I was expecting our first baby.  For some strange reason I started into early labor with her at about 6 months along.  Lying in bed for 3 months can do quite a number on your body.  I remember how taxing it was to go up even a small flight of stairs after not using my muscles for that long.  I weighed 197 pounds when I delivered her and I thought the weight would just fall right off.  Well… it didn’t,  in fact I became really overwhelmed and began to gain even more weight.


This began my years of trying every kind of diet you can imagine… I tried Atkins, and then one that was even more strict where you tested for Ketones in your urine every day, I tried one where you eat all low carb and high protein except for 1 hour a day… when you could eat whatever you wanted (stuff yourself silly, actually.)  I tried a totally vegetarian diet, counting calories, joined a gym, health and wellness centers, Weight Watchers (again!), YOU name it and I’ve probably done it.  I can’t even remember them all anymore.

Ruthie and Kendra 1997

Ruthie and Kendra 1997

AND the frustrating thing was I didn’t have any lasting success with any of them… so, in the year 2000 I hit my max weight of 235 pounds!  YEP, you read that right.

Jeanna and Ruthie 2000

Jeanna and Ruthie 2000

I didn’t enjoy being that size and I knew I wanted a better quality of life.  It wasn’t easy keeping up with 3 kids and taking care of a home and family at that weight.  When I think back to those days…  I didn’t have energy or stamina or vitality of life.  I really wanted to figure out how to regain my health and live a more balanced life.  Like most things are, it was a process.  It took me about 4 years to safely, and in a healthy way, lose the weight.


I think I’m going to break this Chat with Ruthie into 2 parts… Let’s consider this part A and I’ll continue next week with part B!   SO, I’ll finish up next week and until then… Thanks for chatting 🙂




Here’s a link to My Weight Loss Story part B 


  1. […] of you may know that I was over weight about 14 years ago (read my weight loss story here) and I lost 95 pounds over a 4 year period.  I’ve kept it off by making healthy […]

  2. […] was overweight 14 years ago, (read my weight loss story here) and I lost 95 pounds over a 4 year period. I’ve kept it off by making healthy changes […]

  3. […] me today on KSL Studio 5 or at at 1pm talking about my Weight Loss Journey (click for the whole story) and my yummy Healthy Omega 3 […]

  4. […] events together, but it wasn't until THIS specific occasion, that I really got a chance to hear Ruthie's weight loss story, amazing passion for healthy living, cooking, food, photography and just life in general. Not […]

  5. […] written about my weight loss story here (part A & part B) and even though I am a […]

  6. […] see if I could make them a little healthier too.  I’ve written about my weight loss story here (part A & part B) and even though I am a foodie I try to make my recipes as healthy as possible without […]

  7. […] written about my weight loss story here (part A & part B) and even though I am a […]

  8. […] to shred a few of those winter pounds… I’ve written about my weight loss story here (part A & part B) and even though I am a foodie- I try to make my recipes as healthy as possible […]

  9. SD says:

    You are my new best friend.

  10. […] and that I struggled with weight issues well into my late 20′s! (My Weight Loss Story part A and part B)   As I became a mother I knew I wanted to raise my kids with a healthy active […]

  11. […] just like to say that I’ve been very touched by all the kind comments that were left on Chat with Ruthie… My Weight Loss Story, Part A and all the people that have reached out to me through email and Facebook.  Thanks to all of you […]

  12. Deb says:

    I love you Ruth! You look so fabulous now, I would have never guessed— but you were still adorable when you didn’t have a rockin boday!, Thanks for sharing! I appreciate your friendship so much! I agree with Jacquie, no scale at the pearly gates… at least I hope not anyway, I have had enough of it here! Love Ya!

    • Ruth says:

      Thanks Debbie… I’m totally grateful for your friendship too!! Life is too crazy without good friends to share it with…

  13. sue anderson says:

    I understand totally!


  14. Tiffany L says:

    Thanks for this post! You’re an amazing lady! {So fun to see the photos!}

    • Ruth says:

      Thanks Tiffany… you’re pretty amazing yourself! Seems like along time ago when we’d pal around with kids in tow 🙂 Those good ole’ Texas days for me!! I’m so glad we’ve stayed connected!

  15. Heather says:

    Oh Ruthie I Love You. I never knew all of this!
    You are an amazing woman that gives me hope
    And I think you have done an excellent job! Kudos!!
    Love you.

    • Ruth says:

      Love you too Heather… you’re too sweet 🙂 It’s all a process, right?? learn as we go…

  16. ruth thanks so much for sharing your story. i’m sure it will benefit lots and lots of people, including me. i love you!

    • Ruth says:

      Awe, Bev… you knew me back in those days! and of course now but thank you for the nice comment 🙂 Love you too girl!

  17. Mindy says:

    Hi Ruthie! I met you at SNAP! in April! I am so glad you are sharing your story, and if there is anyone who you are helping I am at the top of that list! I grew up just the opposite, I was very UNDER-weight as in super way too skinny most of my young adult life, and started to gain weight when I was in my early 20’s after I got married. 230 was my highest weight ever. I am now at about 220 and am trying to find a good balance of diet and exercise so that I can get to a healthy weight. I too wrote about my story on my blog. I can’t wait to read part two!


    • Ruth says:

      Mindy, I totally remember meeting you at Snap! Thanks for sharing a little of your story with me! I know it can be really hard and I hope that what I’ve learned will be helpful for you… I really appreciate your comment 🙂

  18. kendall says:

    Wow, you are awesome, I am so excited to read part 2 (please don’t make me wait a week ;)) I’ve struggled with the same type of thing. Thanks for sharing.

    • Ruth says:

      Thank you for the nice comment… it’s a little scary to put that out there like that but I really hope that you’ll gain some insights from what I’ve learned! Sorry to do the other half later, it was actually a lot for me to write in one sitting cuz of my nerves and everything 🙂

  19. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait for part two. You inspire me to take a little control myself.

    • Ruth says:

      Shari… you’re a sweetie and thanks for the comment!! You always make me chuckle 🙂

  20. Emily Ackerland says:


    Thank you so much for sharing your struggle – I’ve been struggling with a lack of motivation to pursue health, and this helps. It really is about vitality and zest.

    Thanks again,


    • Ruth says:

      Emily!! I’m SO happy to hear from you! Look how little you are in that picture of us! SO cute!! Thanks for your kind words… I wish we got see each other more and I hope you and your gang are all doing well 🙂 love ya… Ruthie!

  21. Jacquie says:

    Ruth, there are so many people you are going to help. Why is it we associate weight with being good and bad. Pretty sure a scale will not be at the pearly gates. You still look cute at your heavy weight. We just never know you are right what is going on with people. I can’t wait for part 2.

    • Ruth says:

      Thank You Jacquie… you’ve heard that all before but I guess the pictures are new! Thanks for being such a good friend to me 🙂 xoxoxo

  22. Christy.. You’re too nice. Thanks lady 🙂

  23. Ruthie, you are amazing and I realize how much more amazing than I even know everytime I read a blog or post!!

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