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Just be Held

I feel inspired to share a bit of my personal journey with you today.

I am not sure why?

My journey in life has had it’s fair share of ups and downs~ not unlike most of yours.

There were days that I questioned,

Questioned Everything.

I’d been through things in my life that I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined; hard, hard times.

Those experiences were teachers for me and I would go through them again; in a heart beat.

Everything in life has a purpose and is a part of our path for a reason.

Even still some days are just hard.  Really hard.  But, there is peace available to us.

Give it to God and find Peace.


Sometimes, all we can do is Just be Held~ Held by God.

Just be Held on

You are not alone.

You’re world is NOT falling apart, it’s falling into place.

Trust in him and his plan and know that one day it will all make sense.

I love each of you so much.

I’m so grateful to have this space to connect and share and be in each others lives.

May God Bless you and each of your personal journey’s.

xoxo~ Ruthie

Some of my other personal journey posts:  Be an Overcomer, I am EnoughI am Thankful, How I survived Divorce, 18 things I wish I knew at 18, Seasons

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  1. Jacquie says:

    Saw the Giver yesterday and have not stopped thinking of the blessing of experience we have. That God trusts us to dig deep and choose well and alot of times not so well. My uncle took his life this morning we are heartbroken. life is fragile and you just never know who is hurting. To all be a little kinder… you Ruth you are a great example of loving and accepting everyone.

    • Ruthie says:

      Love you Jac… I’m SO sorry to hear of your loss. Peace be with you and your family. Sending prayers and love your way… xoxo~ Ruthie

  2. Karen says:

    Thanks for the reminder! I am in one of those hard times right now and praying the lab result I’m waiting for next week will be good news…..<3

    • Ruthie says:

      Hi Karen, I hope your results return with good news too. Bless your heart… that is tough. Have faith and know that God has a plan, this life is journey and all about learning, right?! Thank you so much for sharing, God Bless. xoxo~ Ruthie

  3. With every day we all need to hold on and allow ourselves to be in the forward journey. Bless you! ♡

    • Ruthie says:

      Thank you for your words~ it’s SO true. A forward journey is and awesome journey… Thank you for your kind comment! Have a wonderful Sunday. xoxo~ Ruthie

  4. Connie says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. I am in the middle of one of those tough times and my biggest hope is that everything is falling into place. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Ruthie says:

      Thank you for sharing Connie… I know times life can be really hard but just hang in there, have faith, it will all make sense one day. It will. God Bless you 🙂 xoxo~ Ruthie