Honesty Hour: Lifestyle Change, is an inspirational story from a young man who decided to make a big change for himself!
Honesty Hour: Lifestyle Change
Ruthie randomly met Alonzo at the gym after being so inspired by him. She saw a young man just in the zone, giving it HIS ALL and had to meet him! Ruthie knew instantly, after chatting with him, that he’d be the perfect fit for Cooking with Ruthie’s Honesty Hour. We are thrilled to share Alonzo’s life changing story today with you all!
Alonzo writes, “A big part of my life, especially during high school, I was really overweight. My family had mentioned that I had rapidly gained excessive amounts of weight. I would also hear kids talk about it in the hallways. I had been a pretty skinny kid up until my freshman year and a lot of the weight was gained quickly over that summer. I think the most difficult thing about it all, was looking in the mirror.. I had huge stretch marks and I wasn’t able to play sports. At least I couldn’t play for very long without running out of breath and falling behind my friends.
On the other hand, I learned to love myself. That is something I always used to struggle with. Once I hit a certain point in my life, I realized the only place I could go was up and I was the only one that could get me there. When I really wanted to quit, I would tell myself something I loved about myself every morning. I’d say things like, “Oooh you’re becoming a healthier you, just move.” “Your body knows its limits, push yourself to them. Then once you get there, keep pushing.”
You might look silly, but life is about learning and progression. We all will look (and mostly feel) silly at some point in out life, so embrace it! I definitely think all that pain was worth it. Experiences like this, make you or break you. If you’re willing to put in the work, and make a conscious effort anyone can lose weight and make a lifestyle change. Just make sure you do it in a healthy way, without starving yourself, because that will only hurt you in the long run.”
I love what Alonzo posted on his Instagram the other day about Lifestyle Change..
“Sometimes in life you’ll get hit down. People will say things and try to tell you what you can and cant change. I want you to know that whatever you struggle with, wether it’s weight, mental health, etc., you are more capable than you know. There is enough negativity on our planet, so ignore those who tell you that something is not attainable. Do the things that you love and push yourself to become better. At the end of the day, you are your biggest critic. However, you are also your biggest fan. Cheer yourself on for your accomplishments and learn from you mistakes. Life is too short to put others down. Love yourself and lift others up!!!”
I LOVE this quote above. Why?? Because it’s easy to see in these pictures that Alonzo’s body changed. However, if we didn’t have his words to go with these pictures, we wouldn’t get a glimpse into this outstanding mental change that has taken place because of his decision to change his lifestyle. I think that this is SOOOOO important to remember.
We often compare ourselves to others in many aspects. Unfortunately, we tend to compare ourselves most in the way we (our bodies) look because that is what you can see so easily on the outside! It’s easy to think, “Wow, he/she lost so much weight or is so fit/thin. I can’t lose weight or can’t get myself to stick to a healthy lifestyle… what is wrong with me?” What we typically don’t see is the mind transformation that has taken place. We see what someone looks like before they lost so many lbs and what they look like after… however, we don’t see the mental battle that that person went through to lose the weight and to change their life. The dedication, time, and energy that it took. The days that they wanted to quit and didn’t. The negative thoughts that they battled each day. The strength that it took to continue on the path to a healthier them.
You can’t see the mental change by simply taking one look at a person like you can see a physical change. Remember, always remember, that the most important thing is that you are happy. You don’t have to be “perfect” and have the “perfect body” to be happy. Find what makes you happy and be you. Love you for who you are and fight every single day to be the best you that you can be!
A Lifestyle Change, in any form, is possible for anyone and everyone.
Love always,
Madeliene & Ruthie
Experienced By: Alonzo
Written By: Alonzo & Madeliene
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