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Come to Hamburg

Come to Hamburg and a few more highlights from our awesome visit to Hamburg, Germany!

For Monday’s post we shared more of our Hamburg trip highlights and German Celery Root and Apple Salad with Dill Mustard Dressing recipe too!  Be sure to jump over and catch all the fun if you missed it!

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

While we were in Hamburg we enjoyed all the comforts of home in our chic, modern, and comfy room at the Heikotel Hotel Am Stadtpark .  It was close to the all the city transportation but tucked just outside of Hamburg downtown area so it was nice and quiet.

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

Every morning we woke up and headed over to the breakfast buffet in the cafe of the hotel– they offered a lovely assortment of cold and hot breakfast items.  I particularly loved all the varieties of fresh & hot coffee and teas! 🙂

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

I was even able to squeeze in a couple workouts at the gym, we loved the sweets at the front door, and the room was awesome. . .

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

On our last day in Hamburg, we had an ultimate adventure– it was something neither of us had experienced before… a black light indoor miniature golf park called Schwarzlichtviertel!!!!  AND they make some fabulous pizza too!  We were surprised and delighted with every turn and each hole was unique, creative, and super cool!  Madi and I both shot a hole-in-one and we’ll admit it. . . we were pretty proud of ourselves! 

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

AND last but not least. . . the Maritime Museum  was beyond amazing!  If you’re into ships, swords, guns, and the in’s and out’s of the sea you’ve got to put this one on your list!!   We loved it and learned so many new things about everything maritime.  Madi kept saying how much her husband would have LOVED to see it.


Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

AND they even had a kids section. . . this ship display was made completely out of lego’s! WOW. It was super cool.

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

Come to Hamburg and highlights from our visit to Hamburg, Germany! #cometohamburg #spon

Hamburg was a fabulous adventure… we’d love to visit again soon! Many thanks to the Come to Hamburg program for inviting us and to all our amazing hosts during our stay… Danke dir!

Much Love,

Ruthie & Madeliene

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  1. Carol says:

    What a great trip you had. I could sense your joy and energy.
    What made you go to that area? We just found out my husbands grandmother immigrated to the states from the Hamburg/ Bremen area. Hoping that Ancestry research can help us find out if there any living Schweers relatives. I

    • Madeliene says:

      It seriously was amazing!!! We wanted to go to Germany but didn’t know what place to visit since there are so many great cities to visit. We got invited to go to Hamburg and it was a blast! Good luck with your ancestry research! I think it’s so great that we have so many awesome tools to help us learn about our ancestors.