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How our garden grows (week 12)

How our garden grows

How our garden grows by


I hope you’re all enjoying a nice relaxing Labor Day.  Me?  I was able to sleep in a little bit, mowed the lawn, and then we put on a BBQ!  We harvested a lot of produce from the garden for our BBQ so, I wanted to share some photo’s with all of you…


Here’s a picture of the melons we grew… there’s a Cantaloupe in the back, the little one in front that I’m holding is a Tigger Melon, and the green one is tiny, delicious Sugar Baby Watermelon!


How our garden grows by


This is a photo of those ripe and ready to eat melons 🙂  They made a refreshing fruit salad…


How our garden grows by


Here’s another photo of our heirloom tomatoes from above, from left to right these are the names…

Green Zebra, Black Queen, Mr. Stripey, Cherokee Purple, Juan Flamme’, small green is a Green Grape, and the small white is a Dr. Carolyn.


How our garden grows by


I’ve loved all these varieties of heirloom tomatoes!  If you remember we started these from seeds back in the beginning of our garden posts… they are really hard to find at a nursery BUT, oh wow!  They are definitely worth the hassle of starting them from seed because they’re SO good, each variety tastes a little bit different.


This is our sweet and tasty corn waiting to be boiled…

How our garden grows by


Remember our Raspberry Bed and Pathway that we posted back in week 10?  AND, if you notice in the picture the two innocent looking plants in the front of the bed?


How our garden grows by


Well, they’re Canary Melons and they’ve been pretty happy in that little spot of theirs- this is what it looks like now…


How our garden grows by


YEP… they’ve completely taken over!  CRAZY!!


Well, that about does it for this week of How our garden grows… I hope you have a wonderful rest of the evening 🙂



  1. Stoney Acres says:

    Great looking harvest this week. Those tomatoes are beautiful!!

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