A YOU Day Giveaway! We want to pamper you +5 of your besties!! Yep. Enter over on Cooking with Ruthie’s Instagram for your chance to win a day for YOU! 🙂 This fabulous day will be brought to your home town valuing over $4000!!! “A YOU Day” will include: pampering, seasonal recipes, money & time management tricks, & more. We are thrilled to be in partnership with Day Trade Nation to bring YOU this unreal giveaway!
A YOU Day Giveaway!
We are sooooo excited for this! Man, oh man. So much time and planning has gone into this already.. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that it will be an unforgettable day. We love to give back to our wonderful blog and insta-family and we thought that this would be the PERFECT way to do just that.
We would love to meet you and to spend the day with you!! Hop on over to instagram and easily enter on our page @cookingwithruthie 🙂 Just find any “A YOU Day Giveaway” Post to enter! We simply can’t wait. Yay! Yay! Yay!!
AND. . . we shared “A YOU Day” giveaway on FOX13 The Place
A YOU Day Giveaway– we would love to meet YOU!!!
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon!
One more thing before you go…
We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Cooking with Ruthie on Instagram
Cooking with Ruthie on Pinterest
Cooking with Ruthie on Facebook
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always,
Ruthie & Madeliene
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