Welcome to our Home! We just moved and our current home has under gone a pretty impressive renovation! We’re excited to share our new house with you–complete with before and after photo’s so you’ll be a part of the transformation. Plus, we’re sharing our favorite tips for making your next flooring update a breeze!
Welcome to our Home & Remodel Reveal
We all know that having a place to call home is so important and when you’re in the market for a remodel or updating your flooring there are a few things to keep in mind.
We went with a neutral multi-flecked gray carpet for the front room and bedrooms. It goes well with most colors of furniture and it’s also amazing color for hiding any of the spills that naturally happen with kids and dogs/cats in the house.
This is our updated front living area:
We’re so excited to share + Welcome to our Home & Remodel Reveal
Take a look at our extensive remodel to this house which was originally built in 1977. There hadn’t been updates done to the house so a massive overhaul was in store! There was a dropped floor and ceiling in the front room plus lovely shag carpeting leftover from the 70’s, funky wallpaper (let your imagination run wild), and massive rock entryway!
It’s almost retro but not… the renovations included bringing the floor and ceiling back to an even level through the front rooms. Which looks a million times better now. Don’t you agree! 🙂
This is the BEFORE photo of the front living area:
Tips for picking out area rugs + Welcome to our Home & Remodel Reveal
We chose a turquoise rug for the dining table to match the turquoise on the seat cushions of the dining table. Then we picked out a subtle yellow rug for the den which now feels nice and cozy for the fireplace. We’re so excited to have a comfortable place to warm up this winter.
If you’ve already have a color palate in the room that you’re wanting a new rug for then select the most prominent color or the one you want to bring out the most so that color can bring the room together.
We love area rugs because they add a fun touch of color and warmth to the room plus they’re super easy to swap out when it’s worn out or looses it’s appeal.
Reveal Photo’s + Welcome to our Home & Remodel Reveal
Be ready to be amazed…Here’s are a few BEFORE photo of the kitchen, dining, and den:
Check out this link to Shaw Floors for all kinds of amazing inspiration and flooring ideas- it’s awesome! They’ll help you pick out and coordinate your style without any stress at all!
Thanks for joining us on our Welcome to our Home & Remodel Reveal today!
I hope that sharing our favorite tips for picking out flooring and rugs will make your next remodeling project a breeze!
Here’s a photo that has my hutch filled with photography dishes and such…. I know, I know I have a pretty hefty collection but, I sure do love them 🙂
Thanks for joining me and Welcome to our Home & Remodel Reveal!
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon!
One more thing before you go…
We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Cooking with Ruthie on Instagram
Cooking with Ruthie on Pinterest
Cooking with Ruthie on Facebook
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always,
Ruthie & Madeliene
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Shaw Floors. The opinions and text are all mine.
welcome you tooo ……….. :O 🙂
That blue rug is perfect for my dining room. Do you have a link for it?
Hi Jennifer… This is were I got my rug, but it looks like they only have gray right now 🙁 They have so many different rugs that I hope you’ll be able to find one that will work! https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-bird-eye-pl04/Grey/200RZPL04A-406.html xoxo~ Ruthie
A few years ago one of our sons got married and he told me they received a beautiful set of dishes and his wife wrapped up the other set and put them away. I said what’s wrong with that? He asked me how many set did I have and I told him seven. I thought his head would explode. I told him that when I die he can complain about things then but until then I would enjoy them and I do!!!!! Your house is beautiful, you did a wonderful job. Enjoy you new home and enjoy your dishes – all of them.
Thank you Patty~ I’m sooooo glad we share the love of dishes!! I will be sure to love them as much as you do 🙂 Thank you for your fun comment… it gave me a huge smile 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful day. xoxo~ Ruthie
Amazing post !
love your website so much !
Great thanks for sharing your experience !
Hi Sarah! Thank you for your sweet comment!! Have an amazing day 🙂 xoxo~ Ruthie