New Momma List #1 is the ultimate, compiled, must-have baby list from many experienced momma’s!
New Momma List #1 is all for baby!!!
Hey, hey! It’s me, Madeliene! This post idea came to me a few months ago… I was reflecting on the previous year, when I was pregnant with Carter, and trying to prepare to be a first time mom! I am soooo lucky that I had a good friend to help and guide me through the “new mom process” and to answer the countless questions that I had! Thank you, Krista, for supporting me and helping me through this crazy, fun transition!!
One of the things that I asked Krista for, was a must have list of baby items! She sent me this WONDERFUL list that saved my life! I bought a lot of stuff up front to prepare for Carter’s arrival. I also saved the list in my phone and when something came up with Carter, I checked my list to see what Krista had recommended for this new thing or stage of life that Carter was in. It was a life saver. For example, when Carter started teething– I checked out the list and tried what Krista had recommended.
New Momma List #1 is my ultimate, fantastic, compiled baby list that I share with everyone!!!
Now, every kid is different. So as I went about this past year, I also added stuff to “the list” that other people recommended that I try, and things that I found that worked for us, as I researched and tried new things! I never want a new mom to not know what to do or what to buy or where to start (this is literally how I felt during my pregnancy). Krista’s list helped me SO much and my hope is that my compiled list of many smart momma’s can help you, too! I’m also adding in my 2 cents a little bit. Which really, are just my opinions and based off of my personal experience. 🙂 Enjoy and share!! Let’s help all those momma’s out there!!!
With out further a do… New Momma List #1 with links to all of my faves!
Hygiene for Baby:
- Wash cloths: 3-6 is plenty! Matimati Bamboo Baby Washcloths (6-pack)
- Hooded towel: 2 is totally enough! At first I thought, I needed like sooo many towels for my baby. Totally not needed! Burt’s Bees Baby – Hooded Towels
- Body wash, Shampoo, and Lotion: Baby Dove is one of my favorites! It smells sooooo good and baby fresh. Baby Dove Wash, Rich Moisture or Baby Dove Wash, Sensitive Moisture for sensitive skin! I love to buy the 20oz bottles. I’m a total buy in bulk person. The 20oz bottles last forever and more bang for your buck which is NEVER a bad thing. Here are the lotions: Baby Dove Lotion, Rich Moisture
or Baby Dove Lotion, Sensitive Moisture. And last but not least, the shampoo! Baby Dove Tear FreeShampoo (it only comes in 13oz). 🙂
- For baby with eczema: A few months in with my new born, Carter, we figured out that he has eczema! Just like I did when I was a baby. I tried a few different washes and lotions and found Aveeno Baby to be the best for my little Carter’s skin! It is so easy to maintain with these products: Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Nighttime Balm I put this on Carter right before bed each night. Aveeno Baby Moisturizing Wash
is what we use to wash in the tub! Remember that it is better for eczema if the skin is not washed/wet daily. And then Aveeno Eczema Daily Moisturizing Cream is great for after bath lotion! Aveeno Baby Soothing Bath Treatment is wonderful to help soothe itchy skin. Side note: This also works great for adults! I used it many times when I was pregnant and had such itchy skin!
- Bath seat: Baby Bath Support Literally the best. And then this once they can sit up! Baby Bath Booster
- Baby detergent: Babyganics Baby Laundry Detergent Yeah… I didn’t know this was a thing until my baby shower.
Medicine for Baby:
- Gripe Water: for colic, air in tummy, hiccups. Gripe Water
I didn’t notice that it did much for the air in Carter’s tummy.. and Carter didn’t have colic.. but this totally helped him with hiccups and his mood! Not sure how, but it’s magical and takes them away instantly! Carter hated hiccups.
- Baby Tylenol or Kid’s Tylenol: Ask pediatrician for the recommended dose as it depends on baby’s weight. I found that it was cheapest to buy it at Costco in a pack of 2 or on Amazon in a pack! Children’s Tylenol
- Mylicon Drops: Mylicon Gas Relief Drops for Infants and Babies
- Nose Frieda: Looks disgusting but is a LIFE SAVER. In reality, it’s not gross at all and no way that anything can get into your mouth. This works so much better than any bulb nose sucker! Fridababy NoseFrida Nasal Aspirator
- Saline Nose Spray: Use this before using the Nose Frieda to help loosen up the mucus! Saline Nasal Spray for Baby and Kids This one is the EASIEST to use by far and the best. Trust me, I tried lots…
Windi Gas Passer- this also looks gross but it is genius and so so so amazing. It helps the baby pass gas bubbles/air in their tummy and they immediately feel better and stop fussing! It works better than any oral medicine. Windi the Gaspasser for Baby Colic and Gas Relief
Carter was a loud eater which means he sucked a lot of air when he drank milk so he always had a lot of air in his tummy. These saved my life and I had to use them all the time.
- Rectal Thermometer: Pediatrician will always want temp from a rectal thermometer because they are the most accurate.Vicks Baby Rectal Thermometer
- Butt Paste Maximum Strength (Red Package): The best diaper rash cream ever!! I found it’s cheapest to buy this tub of it… Boudreauxs Butt Paste Diaper Rash Ointment AND I really love these BabyBum Cream Applicators! BabyBum Diaper Cream Brush
- Camilla- good for teething and irritability. Baby Teething Relief
Clothes & Accessories:
Crib shoes/slippers- way nice because they don’t fall off baby feet like socks do!! Don’t waste your time or money on socks. They don’t stay on!!! Buy 1 or 2 pair of these and you are set! Make sure that they are like this with the velcro around the ankle top– Cozy Fleece Booties, 0-6 month socks
Mittens- new born size so they don’t scratch their face! Newborn Baby Organic Cotton Gloves No Scratch Mittens
Baby gap has great quality clothes and you can usually always find 50% off coupons on and if you shop their sale section online and then add the coupon clothes are a really great price and an AMAZING quality.
Swaddles: I have an obsession with these… Carter has 8 of them cause I love and use them so much! These are the best swaddles cause they are stretchy and wrap baby- promotes good sleep- comforts baby cause they feel like they are in the womb or being held by you. Large Premium Knit Baby Swaddle Receiving Blanket by Copper Pearl Once baby is old enough to not be swaddled anymore, they are the perfect light summer blankets. There are so many great patterns and colors. Anything by Copper Pearl is fabulous.
Sleep sacks- these are nice when transitioning from swaddles to a normal blanket. These are suggested so that baby doesn’t pull a blanket over their face when sleeping- babies have died from this :(. it’s like a wearable blanket. (I personally want an adult sized one) Amazon has tons of options and brands. I’ve also found good ones at TJ Maxx. Carter loved this one– 100% Cotton Wearable Blanket Baby Sleep Bag Grey Stars 2 Pack (6-12 Months)
5 in 1 car seat cover, breast feeding cover, grocery cart cover, etc. Baby Car Seat Cover 5 in 1 Gift by Copper Pearl
Tip: On amazon, if you order 3 things from Copper Pearl at once, you get 10% off your purchase. I wish I would have known that when I first started!
Burp cloths- I’ve needed lots cause my baby spits up a lot. I have Copper pearl ones, hand made ones, some hand me downs from my aunt and it doesn’t matter what kind honestly! They all work great. My personal faves are of course… Copper Pearl. *Heart Eyes* Baby Burp Cloth Large Size Premium Absorbent Triple Layer 3 Pack by Copper Pearl
Bibs and/or hanker-chief bib for drooling and spit up are great. Baby Bandana Drool Bibs 4 Pack by Copper Pearl
Car cord for pump- So nice for when you have to pump in the car (I thought I’d never use it.. but I do, A LOT). Breastpump Portable 9 Volt Vehicle Lighter Adaptor
Breast pads- Reusable are nice.. you wash them, they work well, saves money. These ones are good for newborn nursing and over night so you don’t leak everywhere. 🙂 Thick Overnight Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads
- Breast pads- Disposable any are good! I’ve found that the Laniosh brand are best priced when you buy the big packs of 100. Lansinoh Nursing Pads
I use both disposable and reusable but try to use reusable and then disposable as back up.
- Breast milk storage bags- Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags – 100 ct
Breast milk storage container in freezer- I used this… The First Years Breastflow Milk Storage Organizer
I’ve also heard of just putting a crate or basket in your freezer and laying bags in there flat on top of each other.
Pump bra so you can pump with no hands and do other things while pumping. Life saver. Essential Relaxed Pump&Nurse Nursing Bra with built in hands-free pumping bra
Nursing bra- My ultimate fave: Seamless Sleep Nursing Bra for Breastfeeding Clip Down Maternity Bras
Bottle dryer- This is better than the grass!!! SO much more room. The First Years Spin Stack Drying Rack
Bottle warmer- Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Electric Baby Bottle and Food Warmer
Milk cooler and ice pack to keep breast milk cold. Breast milk can only be out for 5 hours before it goes bad. 5 Days in fridge and 5 months in freezer (this is what my nurse told me and it helped me remember). Medela Breast Milk Cooler and Transport Set, 5 ounce Bottles with Lids, Contoured Ice Pack, Cooler Carrier Bag
Breast milk remover soap. I wash all my bottles and pump parts in this cause it gets the breastmilk cream off and doesn’t leave the bottle looking foggy– Quick Clean Breast Milk Removal Soap. And these are the best for on the go and pumping in the car– Quick Clean Breastpump & Accessory Wipes
Bottle brush- OXO Tot Bottle Brush and Stand
Bottle/breast pump parts sterilizer- I use these to sterilize everything every week or two weeks cause it’s so easy, small and lasts 20 uses per bag. Medela Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags
- Bottles: every baby is different so be open to trying lots of brands if needed. Some babies take all brands no problem! Some don’t. My faves are: Dr. Brown’s Original and Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Baby Bottle.
- Binkis: Same as bottles… all babies are different. My baby only liked these: Philips Avent BPA Free Soothie Pacifier. Wubbanub Binkis are nice cause you don’t lose them and the baby likes the stuffed animal attached to it when they get older. WubbaNub Infant Pacifier – Giraffe
Plus, I think they are SO DANG CUTE. I love them.
- Boppy nursing pillow- the best nursing pillow!!!!! And so needed to support you and baby while feeding so that you don’t hurt your back. Amazon, Target has them also TJMaxx sometimes. Boppy Nursing Pillow and Positioner
Feeding spoon- Boon Squirt Silicone Baby Food Dispensing Spoon This is tons easier than a bowl and a spoon when they are first learning how to eat!
Stuff & Toys:
- Baby Wear Wrap- Boba Baby Wrap Carrier
- Swing- Fisher-Price Sweet Dreams Cradle ‘n Swing
Carter preferred the side-to-side motion over the front-to-back!
- Bumbo- Bumbo Multi Seat
- High Chair- Cosco Simple Fold High Chair
- Walker- BABY JOY Baby Walker, Foldable Activity Walker
- Diaper Bag- Diaper Bag Backpack Backpack Diaper Bag is the only way to go my friends.
We hope that this New Momma List #1 has been oh so helpful and that you refer back to it often, throughout your baby experience!
Love always,
Madeliene & Ruthie
Great list, it’s comprehensive and nicely categorized.
Thank you! I was really glad to know what was helpful with my first so, I hope it’s helpful for more new momma’s! 🙂