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Day one as a Blogger

I wrote this post with the intention that it be used for a feature on another website but when it came down to it, I decided I wanted to publish it here and share with all you instead.  It truly is the passion behind my blog journey.  I hope you enjoy it…

Day one as a Blogger

It’s hard to believe that my blogging journey began almost five years ago.  I am so grateful.  It has helped me expand, reach, and grow in innumerable ways.  It’s given me the opportunity to share my passion for food.

This is a photo of me and my Grandma Louise; we called her Gram.  I grew up in the kitchen cooking with my Mom and Gram.  From both of them, I developed a love of cooking and of sharing recipes too.  From a young age, I was interested in everything about food and loved spending time helping, learning, and connecting with them in the kitchen.  I look back now with so many fond memories of those times.


As I grew so did my passion.   I was always trying new recipes or attempting to create my own,  I was encouraged to explore and the kitchen became my playground.   Nothing scared me from savory to sweet, I’d give it a try.   There were failures and successes a plenty but I was always learning and growing through both.

I remember one day shortly after I’d moved to college I called my mom asking for her chicken noodle soup recipe- a little choked up,  a little homesick, and wanting the comforts of home but being hundred of miles away.  I vividly remember realizing the beautiful connection food had in my life, in all of our lives.  I began to see that all the people, the amazing places, and significant events in my life were tied together by the common thread of food.  It was like the beginning of a index file in my mind; an ever evolving book of my life in the form of recipes.

Time passed and I got married, began a family, and moved around the country.  AND I began collecting recipes which still tie me to everything beautiful in those experiences.  I would host neighborhood potluck lunches, attend area events, and absorb the culture all through this amazing platform of food. It began cultivating in me a desire to share, in some form or fashion this ever expanding cookbook of my life.  Recipes are much more than ratios and combinations of flavors for me, they are memories.  They tie me to all the places I’ve lived, the people I’ve loved, and the memories I don’t ever want to forget.

Thee BEST Clam Chowder on is a winter time favorite around our house!

Gram’s Clam Chowder

It took many more years and many more experiences before the idea of sharing this passion for food and the inspiration of beginning a blog came to me.  But when it did it, there was no question that it would be tied to Gram’s 60’s cooking show ” ‘What’s Cooking’ with Louise Connolly”.   Carrying on a piece of her legacy and having her TV Guide ad in the sidebar of my blog brings me great happiness.  She passed away over 22 years ago but she still inspires me to this day.

gram's tv guide adsm**

Recipes have a way of connecting friends, families, and generations.  Some of our most memorable moments are usually shared around a table with the people we love.  I hope through my blog you feel like you’re sitting with me at my kitchen table sharing a delightful piece of cake, talking about life, and enjoying the communal sharing of recipes.

Happy Thursday!  Thanks for joining me in Day one as a Blogger and every day since!

I love each of you.  Thank you for all your kind comments, emails, and sharing on social media platforms~ it’s been wonderful to get to know so many amazing people!  I’m very grateful for each one of you and so grateful for this beautiful journey of blogging.

Much Love and Peace~




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