Spring is in full bloom in Utah and it’s been so lovely to go on walks with my kids and enjoy all of the beautiful flowers. Every spring we love creating a few flower crafts together. Some of my favorites have been our Cupcake Liner Flowers and Tissue Paper Tulip Craft. Today I’m sharing how to up cycle an old CD into this cute CD and Handprint Flower Craft for Kids. The handprints definitely give it a special touch for Moms, Grandmas and kids.

- CD
- colored cardstock paper
- yellow tissue paper (cut into squares)
- wooden round dowel (We received ours from our friends at Craftprojectideas.com and you can find them in the crafts section at your local Walmart.)
- green paint
- paint brush
- glue
- pencil
- scissors
- hot glue gun (adult use only)

4. Glue your handprints all around the back of the CD. We decided to curl up the fingertips a little but that step is optional.
5. Finish your flower by hot gluing the wooden round dowel to the back of the flower. (An adult must assist with the hot glue gun.)
Now you have a big, colorful spring flower! You can set it in a vase and put it on display somewhere in your home for everyone to enjoy.

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