I love having Miss Kami come to visit with us from No Diets Allowed!
I’m totally intrigued with the recipe she brought with her today… 3 Ingredient Pancakes! For reals?! I can’t wait to see what they’re all about 🙂
AND with that- I’ll turn it over to her…
It’s no secret. I love breakfast. I did a little research and found out that 31 million Americans skip breakfast. What?!?! The most common reasons people skip breakfast were being too busy, not being hungry, or they just didn’t want to take time to eat. It’s not hush-hush that breakfast is essential for healthy living and happy stomachs. So… if you’re one of those missing out on the benefits of breakfast, I’ve created some quick and satisfying breakfast recipes.
My sister introduced me to combining eggs and oats for a quick pancake. I’ve played around with a couple different combinations and found that adding a banana and some cinnamon added a perfect amount of sweetness and flavor. Also, skip the butter and try spreading coconut oil on a warm pancake, slice up some fresh fruit, and pour on some pure maple syrup.
3 Ingredient Pancakes

- 6 eggs
- 1 large banana, peeled
- 2 cups quick oats
- 1 tsp cinnamon, optional
- In a blender (you know I love my Vitamix!), blend 6 eggs and banana for about 30 seconds until smooth.
- In a small bowl, combine egg/banana mixture, oats, and cinnamon together until moist.
- Heat small frying pan over medium heat.
- Spray with olive oil and pour about 1/2 cup mixture into pan.
- Use spatula to smooth out mixture in a thin layer.
- Cook for about 1 to 2 minutes and then flip pancake.
- Cook for additional 1 to 2 minutes until golden brown.
- Top with coconut oil (spread on top just like butter), fresh fruit, and pure maple syrup.
I have plenty of quick and tasty breakfast recipes for you. Try my Banana Apple Oatmeal Smoothie, Breakfast Quiches, and Strawberry Banana Morning Smoothie. These 3 ingredient pancakes along with the recipes just listed will have you smitten with breakfast just like me.
I can. not. wait. to try Kami’s 3 Ingredient Pancakes~ do you follow her? You simply must!
Find her at www.nodietsallowed.com or find her on: Facebook// Twitter// Pinterest// Google+// Instagram
Happy, Happy Friday!
xoxo~ Kami and Ruthie
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