Welp, it’s that time of year again! My little garden has been frost bitten… it makes me a little sad 🙁
I love all the fresh and so-easy-to-grab produce right out my back door. But, seasons change and the time has come for it to wind down.
I especially love my herbs in the garden, so THIS year I wanted to figure out a way to keep some of them to use in my kitchen all year round.
DIY Indoor Herb Garden
My frost-bitten little garden…
It was so quick and easy to put together- I thought it would be fun idea to share with all of you!
I loved this Espresso color of spray paint. I applied three coats of paint to my little wooden planter box. Make sure to change directions when you are applying the spray paint to get all the cracks and edges.
You’ll also want the paint to dry completely before the apply letters.
I love these cute little sticker decals because they really help to keep the size of the letters the same… I’m just not THAT good when it comes to free handing this sort of stuff.
I measured the center of my planter box and applied the letters so they would be centered. A really good tip to press the stickers down, sealing the edges so you don’t get run out under it, you’ll still get some but that will help out a lot.
Have you seen these awesome paint pens? They’re so fun and easy to work with… just follow the stencils. I had to apply a couple of coats to get good coverage, make sure to let the paint dry between each coat so it won’t pull up.
Once all your coats are applied and the white paint is nice and dry; remove the sticker letters. Just put them back on the sheet with the other letters and save them for future use cuz they can totally be used several times.
To touch up the run out: I put a couple sprays of the Espresso paint on a piece of paper that I had folded into fours, then using a Q-tip applied the brown over the worst of the run out areas. (again I was going after a homey-feel and not for it to look perfect).
I love these adorable chalk board signs~ I used the white paint pen for each herb. I love them!
Last thing to do is add the herbs.
My herbs are in 4×4 individual containers with a liner in the base so they can be watered easily. Transplanted herbs from the garden are a great way to keep them for use in the kitchen all year long!
Supply List:
9 1/2 x 16 inch Wooden Crate Box
6- 4x4x4 square plastic containers plus enough dirt for planting
Espresso Spray Paint by Rust Oleum
Peel and Stick Stencils by Plaid
White Painters Pen by Express Yourself
Chalk Board Signs from Amazon
Q-tip and Piece of paper
Measuring Tape
Piece of cardboard to spray on
Have so much fun bringing a bit of the garden indoors with DIY Indoor Herb Planter!
You can also start your own herbs from seed and they will grow happy in our cute planter too!
Have a wonderful Monday!
xoxo~ Ruthie
[…] dreadfully missing that garden right now, it’s out there all covered in snow Remember my little DIY herb garden on the kitchen table? They’re doing their best to hold me over until […]