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Creamy Risotto and Culinary Update

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This Creamy Risotto is a recipe we made yesterday in my Culinary Arts class… it’s a savory side dish and it’s pretty healthy too 🙂

Yield: 6

Creamy Risotto

Creamy Risotto by
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 C onions, chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced
  • 1 C Arborio rice
  • 3 C chicken broth, hot
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 1/4 C parmesan cheese
  • 2 Tbsp parsley leaves, finely chopped


  1. Coat large saute pan with cooking spray, add oil and heat over medium high heat.
  2. When oil is hot, add onions, season with salt and pepper, saute until slightly softened. (approx 3 minutes)
  3. Add garlic and cook 30 seconds.
  4. Add rice, saute until rice is coated with oil, stirring constantly.
  5. Add 1 C of hot chicken broth and simmer, stirring occasionally, until almost completely absorbed.
  6. Add another cup of chicken broth and cooking, stirring occasionally, until almost completely absorbed.
  7. Add remaining chicken broth, stir and cook about 10 minutes, the rice should be tender and not soupy.
  8. Add butter and parmesan; cook 2 additional minutes.
  9. Add parsley and stir to combine.
  10. Serve and Enjoy!

* I slightly adapted this recipe from UVU Culinary Arts

Creamy Risotto by

You know somedays Culinary School is a lot… a lot of learning, studying, and work!

I love it though and have learned a ton.  I’m SO glad I decided to go ahead and start the program (even after long hot days in the kitchen when it seems like everything has gone wrong).

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This is a photo of me and Lexi.. she and I usually station next to each other and I think she’s super awesome 🙂

We’d just finished running our Espagnole Sauce through the Chinois (a very fine strainer) this sauce is a Mother Sauce and it takes about 2 1/2 hours to produce what you can see in that container.  It’s savory sauce that’s usually served with beef or chicken.  It’s probably the hardest of the five Mother Sauces to make.

What’s cool about that??  I know how to do it AND I didn’t before… same goes for a million other things these last 6 weeks in the savory kitchen have taught me.  Like filleting a flat fish in the photo below.  (the first one I fillet turned out pretty much like fish hamburger)  Seriously!  Now, I can practically do it in my sleep…

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We have rocking awesome knives and up until this week no one has seriously damaged themselves BUT we had a bit of tragedy that ended up in the hospital.

Filleting fish can be a dangerous sport sometimes!

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Poor girl… she’s a trooper though and was back with us the next day.

I love my knives AND I love them sharp but that was a good reminder to all of us about hand placement and knife safety.

SO, my days are almost up in the savory kitchen and I’ll soon be moving onto the Bake Shop for baking and pastries.

Which I won’t lie… I’m pretty excited about learning how to make all those fabulous loaves of bread and desserts 🙂

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I hope this Creamy Risotto and Culinary Update are both interesting and delicious!

Happy Thursday

xoxo~ Ruthie

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  1. […] back in the savory kitchen has been a lot of fun- it’s the next level of cooking after Chef John’s class that I started with last fall.  Chef Todd has taught us about a lot of different proteins, how to […]

  2. Ruth Kropp says:

    Hi Girl,
    I want to live with you and eat your cooking class delights!
    I too am excited for you to start the baking portion, the picture of the chocolate shell with some ice cream or sorbet is killer!!!
    You look fabulous, happy and right in the very center of where you are supposed to be!!!
    Keep cooking and posting!
    love you bunches
    Aunt Ruth

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