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On Motherhood

I’m so happy to have Aleisha from She calls me Mama Leisha  with us to share today… I love her- she always makes me smile 🙂

Have you been over to visit her adorable blog?  You’ll love her just as much as I do…


On Motherhood

“Having kids–the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings–is the biggest job anyone can embark on.”  –Maria Shriver
I’ve been thinking a lot about motherhood lately.  I suppose this always happens for me whenever I turn the page on my calendar to May.  I find myself reflecting on all the amazing mothers around me–my mother friends, my “adopted” mothers, the mothers I would like to be like, my grandmothers, and my own incredible mother.

My Mama Jenneice has taught me numerous things about being a good mother, mostly through her example.  Mac n’ cheese for lunch is never a bad idea!  Patience and kindness is important when dealing with small children.  You are never too old to color in a coloring book.  Moms CAN run through sprinklers too.  Stay prayerful.  Don’t underestimate yourself.  Work hard.  Always make time for your kids.  Brownies are better when they are still warm.  A hug and a kiss can go a long way in healing a broken heart.  Say I love you.  “Time out” for naughty children is okay.  “Time out” for moms is okay as well!













More often than not, my tender reflections eventually take me down the path of personal discovery.  As a young mother, I ponder on what motherhood means to me.  I ask myself, “What have you learned about being a mom?”

I have learned that having children will challenge you, push you, stretch you, and pull you in ways you never thought possible.  This kind of “reshaping”–or growth–is both difficult and exquisite.  I have learned that chubby baby thighs are a delight to the weary mama’s soul.  That Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work wonders on removing boogers, crayon, and orange Doritos dust from walls.  That newborn babies are the nearest things to heaven on earth.  That toddlers WILL throw colossal tantrums at the WORST times.  I have learned to laugh more, cry more, pray more, and trust myself more.  I have learned that motherhood is really hard.  And that motherhood is really beautiful.

Author Donna Ball wrote, “Motherhood is a choice you make everyday, to put someone else’s
happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons,
to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing
is…and to forgive yourself, over and over again…”

For Mother’s Day this year, I sincerely hope we will remember to celebrate our motherly gifts, and to seek after the joy in motherhood.  I hope we will remember to be kind to ourselves, to recognize the good mothers that reside in all of us.  To forgive ourselves, as Donna Ball wrote.  Because the truth is, we’re more marvelous than we give ourselves credit for.  We’re more extraordinary than we know. 

Happiest of Mothers Days to ALL!


A super big Thank You to Aleisha for for sharing On Motherhood and for being one of our monthly contributors- you can tell how totally awesome she is!

I’m lucky to see her around at local blogging events and to call her my friend too!  Are you local to Utah?  Come meet Aleisha in person ast the Listen to your Mother Show– it’s sure to be a fun time! 

Here a a couple of other articles that you will totally enjoy from She calls me Mama Leisha Ode to Siblings , Laundry Day Adventures, I See You

Did you get a chance to enter the AWESOME Summer Giveaway Series that’s going on right now?  You simply must 🙂

Happy Friday!

xoxo~ Ruthie

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  1. Angelina says:

    Aleisha, this was such a beautifully written post. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. And with just having our 6th baby, 5mths ago. I totally agree about Babies being the nearest thing to Heaven on earth 😉
    Happy Mothers day to you and also to you, Ruthie.

    • Ruthie says:

      Angelina… you are so sweet! Thanks for the fun comment. Aleisha is definitely talented with her writing and I just love all of her stuff! I hope you have a wonderful Mothers’ Day, you are one amazing momma!! love ya girl. xoxo~ Ruthie