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How to get oily stains out

How to get oily stains out

As most of you know, I do a fair amount of cooking and I don’t always remember to wear my apron!  It’s usually when I’m just doing something quick in the kitchen AND I somehow end up making a mess of myself 🙁

get oily stains out

How to get oily stains out by


SO, I thought I’d  share one of my favorite tips in the whole wide world!! (AND I’m tired from getting up at the unheard of time of 3:40am to run a Half Marathon with my girls! SO, this a quicker post)


These Coral pair of capri’s are one of my favorites AND so I was super sad when I discovered that I’d washed and dried a terrible OILY stain into them!!  BUT, then I remembered this wonderful little trick I learned somewhere along the way for removing OILY stains from clothes…


How to get oily stains out by


YEP, that’s right!  Palmolive Dish Soap.  Easy as putting a fair amount on, rubbing it around to cover the oily stain well, and let it soak for about an hour!  Then just you throw it in the washer and run a cycle, when you take it out… it will be SPANKING CLEAN again!  No more OILY stains left 🙂


How to get oily stains out by


YAY… I love it!  LOVE it so much…

I’ve even used this how-to-get-oily-stains-out remedy on clothes that have been washed and dried several times… it works like a charm!!


Here are a couple of photo’s from the Half Marathon my girls and I ran this morning…

How to get oily stains out by

Madi, Kate, and Ruthie- Half Marathon Finishers!!


How to get oily stains out by

Madi, Kate, Ruthie, and Mya (one of my running friends!)


How to get oily stains out by

Me and Dena… my training partner and friend! Thanks for a fabulous run, girl!!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!



How to get Oily Stains Out by is one of the BEST laundry tricks ever!!

  1. […] piece of clothing that gets grease on it and no matter what you do it doesn’t work. Check out THIS little […]

  2. […] is the Magic Potion to get Oil Stains out of Clothes!! And… it works. Even if you’ve washed and dried the […]

  3. Anna says:

    Does this work on all fabrics?

    • Ruth says:

      Hi Annabelle, (love your name) I’ve had it successfully work on cotton and cotton/poly mix. I think anything that’s safe for the washer it would be worth a try on… anything fancier, I would try only if you already figured it was ruined and didn’t care one way or the other. Thanks for stopping by and please come back again soon! xoxo~ Ruthie

  4. Jennifer says:

    I just came across this pinned to my sister’s board. I just sloshed liquid coconut oil on a shirt of mine the other day and had been waiting to try something to try and get it out. I’ll definitely give this a try. Thanks!

    By the way, I’m glad I found this site. I’m not much for following blogs and all, but this looks like a really cool place to hang out.

    • Ruth says:

      Hi Jennifer! I’m so glad you found my little space… please come back often, I love new friends 🙂 Thanks for the kind comment. I hope this trick works for your shirt- it’s always hard to ruin a fav shirt! xoxo~ Ruthie

  5. Mariel says:

    That’s awesome, Ruthie! Now I’m kicking myself for tossing out all oil-stained clothes! You know what’s funny? Every time I get on your blog, my ‘net nanny’ comes up saying your site is pornography and I have to enter the password to get on. What the heck?!? Do you have some secret stash of Ruthie pictures on here that your hiding??

    • Ruth says:

      That is SO crazy! I promise there’s no porn on my site!! My husband said sometimes they label them according to color schemes and since my site has a lot of peachy-orange tones it might be the reason??? IDK but I’m sorry 🙁

  6. Renate Koenig says:

    Have you tried Dawn? I’d hate to buy Palmolive just for that, but I will if it’s the only thing to save my clothes. I’m notorious for oily spots!

    • Ruth says:

      I haven’t tried Dawn BUT, give it a go!! I’m sure anything that is a grease cutter will probably work 🙂 If it doesn’t do the trick grab some Palmolive the next time your at the store! I hate those spots too… best of luck!

  7. Aimee says:

    What a great tip! I always thought grease stained things were gonners, and I have a favorite cardigan that I’m going to attempt a rescue on!

    • Ruth says:

      Thanks Aimee… I have great hopes for the sweater!! Crossing my fingers that it won’t let us down 🙂

  8. Jacquie says:

    I am so glad your orange pants aren’t ruined! I am excited to try it! Darling pictures of you and the girls they will never forget it, so lucky to have a cool mom!

    • Ruth says:

      I was SO glad they weren’t ruined too! I’ve never had this trick fail on oily stains!! You’ll love it too 🙂 I try to be a cool mom and sometimes I reach that status 🙂

  9. Lindsay says:

    This is so useful! Thanks Ruthie! I am pinning this now!

  10. Mindy says:

    You ROCK! I have never been a runner, but I respect it that much more because I think it is so hard! 🙂 I have a couple of shirts from pregnancy that have oil stains that I am going to try this on. When I am pregnant, I spill on my belly cooking and eating daily. Gotta love it!

    • Ruth says:

      I’ve grown to love running over time… can’t say I loved it at first!! I’m not fast either so that helps 🙂 I’ve been able to get stains out that have been there a long time with this trick so, it should work for you!! Thank you for stopping by and for the comment!!

  11. Camille says:

    Awesome tip! I hate having to get rid of a shirt because of the oil stains! Thanks, Ruthie!

    • Ruth says:

      I’ve totally been there, Camille… this should work on your shirt! I’ve seriously saved SO many with this trick 🙂

      • Brandi says:

        When my husband got home from Iraq, some friends decorated by putting those window cling stars on the back window of my car. They were the gel-y kind, and MELTED (in November…of course) getting on my backseat, leaving huge grease spots. Is there any way to make this work for upholstery, since I can’t toss it in the washer?


      • Ruth says:

        The problem with this is that heat will set a dye stain. The fact that the heat was intense enough to melt the cling star may mean that it was hot enough to set the stain in your upholstery. Provided that it is not leather upholstery the first thing I would try is something like Tide-To-Go or a Shout Stain Removal Stick. Treat it and leave it over night. Then blot several times with a wet rag to dilute and rinse out the detergent. You could also use some Palmolive on a brush but the Stain Stick or Tide wipes I believe will be easier for you to rinse out. I hope this helps and thanks for your families sacrifice for all of us…

        Love, Ruthie

      • Brandi says:

        And thank you for the kind words 🙂

      • Brandi says:

        Thank you so much for the tips!! I appreciate it. I guess, in all reality, they are the best kind of stain! The happy kind! Haha 🙂

        I came here from Pinterest, and look forward to learning all sorts of new things on your blog.

        Thank you again!

      • Ruth says:

        I’m so glad you found me! I hope you find a lot of helpful info around this little space 🙂 Best of luck with getting out the stains!

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