Mothers’ Day Topiary… is cute little idea I saw on Pintrest! It looks like a gal name Melody McBride originally made it and pinned it up! It’s darling and edible (well… mostly!)
I thought it’d be fun Mothers’ Day gift for our kids to give Grandma’s so I rounded the stuff up and they put them together!! After all who doesn’t love a good dum-dum once in a while 🙂
Mothers’ Day Topiary
1 standard pot 4.3″
1 Styrofoam 4″ ball
2 (10.4oz) bag Dum-Dums
3ft ribbon
spray paint, desired color
1. On a news paper or in a box spray paint pot. It will need 2 coats. Let dry completely.
2. Place Styrofoam ball into pot, press in tightly.
3. Using the stick end of each dum-dum poke it into the styrofoam until the ball is completely covered.
4. Tie a knot in the ribbon to hold it in place and then tie ribbon into a bow!
Fun little idea for Mothers’ Day… maybe use it for a center piece! AND be sure to share those yummy suckers 😉
Thanks to Kate for her crafting help with this little DIY craft project!!
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Mothers’ Day Topiary – Cooking With Ruthie
This topiary is just darling!! Thanks for the cute idea! We are so happy that you linked up to our “Strut Your Stuff Saturday” and we hope you see you back next week!! -The Sisters
Thanks so much!! It was a hit for our grandma’s on Mothers’ Day but super cute for everything!!