Chat with Ruthie
Mothers’ Day is just a few days away… lets chat a little bit about Mom‘s

Me and my Mom 1972
We’ve all got someone that mothers us, right? So, whether their our biological-mom, adopted-mom, step-mom, grand-mom, auntie-mom, friend-mom, you get the idea… we all mother and get mothered by lots of different people all of our lives! It’s one of the things we women do BEST 🙂
My mom is one of my hero’s… she married young and had my sister, Camey, and THEN 18 months later she was surprised with me! When I was 3 months old my mom was divorced. NOW, this was in the early 70’s when 1) women didn’t leave the house pregnant and 2) they didn’t hardly ever get divorced! TOTALLY different world.

Camey, Mom, and me 1972
When that happened we moved away to live with our Gram, who helped raise me and my sister and also helped my mom through that period of time in her life. My mom met my step dad and was remarried when I was 3 1/2 years old. Their still happily married and had 2 more kids, which makes up my mom’s side of my family 🙂

Mom and Gram with Camey, Ruthie, and baby Louise
Life has a funny way of changing the rules when we least expect it… I remember after I’d just given birth to my second daughter, Kate, I wrote my Mom a letter and told her how I just couldn’t imagine being a single mom with a new baby and a 2 year old, like I had at that time… she was a single mom of me and my sister at those same ages… at that moment I came closer to understanding ALL that my Mom had done for us. I expressed how grateful I was for her strength, character, and the way she was able to raise 2 little girls as a single mom for several years. I thanked her for the way she raised us and for setting such a good example.

My babies: Madi, Kate, and Jacob 1999
My mom is amazing… she taught me to cook and sew and clean. She taught me to be frugal, to be creative, and make due. She taught me to be kind to all people and to be charitable. She taught me to always have good friends and more importantly to BE a good friend. My mom taught me how to stand on my own two feet and helped me know that I come from a rich heritage of strong women. She taught me to be accountable, and honest, and to finish what I start and take pride in my work! She taught me to pray and to have faith and to be grateful for everything I’m given… she also taught me that when life gets hard, ya keep on going and somehow it all works out.
At the time I wrote that letter I never imagined that in a matter of about 5 years… I’d be single mom of 3 young kiddos who’d need me to be for them ALL that my mom had been for me. Being a single mom is sometimes very hard and depending on the situation~ varying degrees of over whelming. My heart goes out to all of the single mom’s out there who are just trying to keep roofs over heads and food in the fridge and raise good kids… sometimes it’s a thankless job BUT one day at a time you’re making a huge difference! Your kids will appreciate you in time, the same way I came to appreciate all that my mom did for me. In other words.. one day they’ll Thank You too!

Madi, Jake, and Kate… right after my divorce
As I think about all the important things my mom has taught me… I realize that she learned the exact same things from her mom, who learned from her mom, and so on. So, when being a Mom feels a little less than glorious, remember that we are shaping future generations right now. This very second… we can make a huge impact just by being good Mothers’ however we’ve been given the opportunity to “mother”!

Gram, Mom, and my Madi 1995
I truly wish you all a Happy Mothers’ Day! Whatever kind of “mom” you get to be… AND to my Mom… I love you and just want to say Thank You for being such an amazing Mother/Grandmother to our family!!
Thanks to you all for keeping up with my little blog! It’s a work in progress BUT I’m sure lovin’ this little space of mine 🙂
PS… if you wanna make a yummy dessert on Mothers’ Day try one of these family favorites!

Mom’s Blueberry Torte

Strawberry Trifle
[…] (Mother’s Day post from 2011 about my awesome momma!) […]
[…] girl to be given two dad’s to love and raise me! I talked a little about my family in my “Mom’s” post… I was 3 years old when my mom remarried my step-dad, I’ve always had a […]
Thanks for your post! {I saw the photo of your three littles–so cute! They’re just like I remember them. :)}
Isn’t it crazy how fast time flies??? It seems like yesterday we were having play group with you guys!
I made myself cry too… Sorry my beautiful little sister!
So true, jac… very blessed! I’m so glad the Torte is a hit !! I hope you’re having company ! JK
ahhh…why did you hafta make me cry? great post.
BTW the Blueberry tort is what we are having I am making 2. I just bought the stuff, it is soooooooo yummy!
Thanks Ruth for the reminder. Sometimes even in a normal marriage and life it is overwhelming I can’t imagine. You truly are amazing, I think the last week that is what I have been lacking perspecitve of what being a Mom is. Creators of the next generation and that is a job to be proud of. You have done a wonderful job your 3 kiddos are blessed! Love ya,