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Gram’s Clam Chowder

Gram’s Clam Chowder is about the most comforting food in the world to me, I love it … A LOT!  It reminds me of home and of Gram and when I’m in need of a little comfort food, it’s what I’m in the kitchen a fixin’…

Gram's Clam Chowder by


Life is precious and I’m reminded time and again how much every moment counts… we never know what’s going to happen.  Last weekend I received news about my good friends Mark and Jeanna.  Mark was in a serious accident Saturday morning driving on the interstate, he hit a 2000 pound elk that had run into the road!  It’s a miracle Mark’s alive… he’s in the hospital after having to have brain surgery and remains in a medically induced coma.  Mark and Jeanna are like family to me, when we lived in Texas… we lived in the same apartments with them, our husbands worked at the same job, we had many Holiday meals together, they even watched my then 2 year old while I was having my second baby. Friends like Mark and Jeanna become family when your a long way from home…

Now, they live about 12 hours from me and I don’t get to see them very often but they’re super good friends so when I text Jeanna to say I was thinking about them and that I loved them… she said, “I wish you were here to make me dinner!”  I wish I was too!!  (sniff, sniff)  Since the miles separate us and that’s all but impossible,  I figure the next best thing was to dedicate my ultimate comfort food in a post to Mark and Jeanna and their family.  I hope the best for a full and speedy recovery and send my love to all of you across the miles.  Thanks for being apart of my life… I love you guys!


Clam Chowder

Gram’s Clam Chowder



My heart goes out to Mark and Jeanna… and as Jeanna said, “Never take a day for granted.”  If I didn’t live 3 states away I’d have a batch Gram’s Clam Chowder over to you all in a heart beat!!

I hope that if your ever in need of a little comfort, you’ll remember this recipe… even just making it has some kind of healing effect! (on me anyways!)  A bread bowl works great with Gram’s Clam Chowder or we eat it with whole grain bread and saltines work too!

Yield: 8

Gram's Clam Chowder ...

Gram's Clam Chowder by


  • 10 red potatoes, approx 8 C, chopped
  • 4 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 cube butter
  • 3/4 C flour
  • 1 qt half and half
  • 1 can minced clams with juice
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper


  1. In a large stock pot combine vegetables, cover with water, bring to boil and simmer until tender.
  2. In a small sauce pan melt butter, slowly whisk in flour, let cook 1 minute, slowly whisk in half and half.
  3. When vegetables are done (leave remaining water), add white sauce to pot, add clams with juice, salt, and pepper.


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  2. Jacquie says:

    I wish Greg liked clams! Hows the sunshine? Travel safe and bring home lots of yummy recipes!

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