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Have leftover turkey?  Me, too!  I just threw these little quesadila’s together… Turkey-Cran-a-dilas!  They’re a nice combination, the flavors mix well, and it’s a great way to use up some of that extra turkey 🙂


Pre-made raw tortillas
Lightly cook tortillas
Distribute turkey, cran relish, feta on a tortilla
Top with mozzarella
Top with the other tortilla and warm through

I hope you had as nice of a Thanksgiving as we did!  AND now I’m off to the gym to try and minimize the damage 🙂 These Turkey-Cran-a-dilas are so great to throw together for lunch, especially if you have left over turkey to use up!

Yield: 2


Img 8010


  • 1/4 C diced turkey meat
  • 1 Tbsp feta cheese
  • 1 Tbsp shredded mozzarella
  • 2 Tbsp Cran-Apple Relish, Nov 17 post or canned cranberry sauce
  • 2 pre-made ready to cook tortillas or tortillas


  1. Spray fry pan, cook tortillas but not browned.
  2. (if using regular tortillas; skip)
  3. Distribute first 4 ingredients evenly on a tortilla, top with second tortilla.
  4. Return to fry pan, cook on low covered with a pan lid for 1 minute, turn over, repeat.
  5. Done when warmed through and cheese is melted.
  6. Cut and Serve!


  1. Ruthie says:

    You'll love them!! Very good, easy, and uses that turkey your family gave you!! Tomo I'm posting a Turkey Pot Pie which is great too 🙂

  2. Holly Mount says:

    Thanks Ruthie! Guess what we're having tonight? 🙂

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