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Turkey Meatloaf with Creamy Asiago Gravy and Creme Brulee

My friend Amy has an awesome blog that’s totally inspirational!  She’s had her share of trials to overcome and has done so with grace.  She’s got a great mix of life going on at!  I’m having her guest blog with these really fab recipes!!  I can’t wait to try them both…


Wouldn’t it be fabulous if I could say that I dreamed this little recipe up in my mind?! Well, unfortunately, dreaming up recipes isn’t really my talent. However, when I can so appreciate the talents of others! I love finding new recipes, trying them and then having them become a family fave! I have to tell you that this recipe WILL NOT disappoint! This is my hubby’s very favorite! You should see the look in his eye when I tell him that this is what’s cookin! It is so easy and so yummy! You HAVE to try this one and let me know what you think! This is straight from Rachael Raye’s kitchen, to mine, to yours! ENJOY!TURKEY MEATLOAF WITH CREAMY ASIAGO GRAVYINGREDIENTS:1 cup Milk1-1 ½ c. Bread Crumbs2 lbs. Ground Turkey Breast

1 T poultry seasoning

4 T fresh Sage, chopped

¼ tsp. nutmeg, to taste

6 Shallots, finely chopped (or onions)

1 egg, beaten

2 cloves garlic, pressed or grated

½ c. grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

(if you can’t find this cheese, parmesan will do)

GRAVY INGREDIENTS:1 head of garlic, left whole

Olive Oil, for drizzling

3 T. Butter

3 T. Flour

1 c. Chicken Stock (broth)

1 c. Milk

2 ½ c. good quality, shredded Asiago Cheese

Cut top off of whole garlic bulb. Drizzle with Olive Oil. Wrap in foil and roast 20-25 min.

2.In a bowl combine well; Turkey, 2 cloves garlic, bread crumbs, poultry seasoning, sage, nutmeg, shallots Parmigiano-Reggiano and egg. Form a long, thin, oval shaped loaf and transfer to a baking sheet. Drizzle liberally with Olive Oil and roast for 45 min. at 425 or until internal temp is 165.

3.For Gravy, melt butter over medium heat. Mash the whole roasted garlic cloves until they are nice and smooth, add to the butter. When butter is melted whisk in flour and cook for 1 minute.

Whisk in the stock, then milk. Allow the mixture to thicken, about 2 minutes, then stir in the Asiago cheese. Once the cheese melts season with salt and pepper

Just a couple of tips:Anytime you cook meat you should allow it to “rest” for 15 min before you cut it. Make a tent out of tin foil to trap in the heat. While meat is cooking all of the juices are going crazy inside. If you cut into it without letting it rest, the juices will escape and the meat will be more dry. If you let it sit for just a bit the juices will stay in and settle in the meat, making it perfectly juicey and tasty!

I serve this dinner with Roasted Broccoli, Zucchini and Orange Peppers. If you haven’t tried roasting…YOU MUST! SO good!

Lay out your veggies on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Cook for about 15 min, or until they look done! So crispy and yummy!


Mr. Creme Brulee, these are my friends.
One of my all time favorite desserts to make. EASY…oh so easy! And when you pull out the torch….well, now that’s just plain fun! Have I mentioned delicious?! Well, that doesn’t even begin to give it justice. It is make your eyes close good! MAKE YOUR EYES CLOSE GOOD….does it get better than that?!
Now this friend of mine isn’t so easy on the ole hip-a-roonies, so play with him sparingly….or not. Whatev!
What you will need:
  • 2 c. Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 1/3 c. Sugar
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla
  • A sprinkle of Brown Sugar
  1. Alright, first things first. Let’s pour the cream and vanilla into a pot. Scald it for just a bit. You want the flavors to get good and mixed.
  2. Whip those eggs yolks into a frenzy with your whisk.
  3. Blanch them by adding your sugar. Keep a whippin.
  4. Now when your cream is good and hot, temper your eggs (you don’t want to cook them) by pouring just a bit of the cream in and whisking it all together. You want to bring the egg mixtures temperature up a bit.
  5. Pour in the remainder of the cream. Whisk.
  6. Pour mixture evenly into ramekins. This should fill about 5-6 ramekins.
  7. Now, if you have a torch, GREAT! If you don’t, grab a lighter. You want the flame to touch the top of the mixture so you can burn off all of the air bubbles. This isn’t absolutely necessary, but helps keep the texture right in the cooking process.
  8. Now, place your ramekins in a baking dish. Pour boiling water into the bottom of the pan (careful, don’t get any in the creme brulee). The water should come half way up the ramekins.
  9. Now, bake for about 35-40 min. at 325 degrees. When they are done, they will still be slightly jiggly. If they need more time, take it, but don’t cook them too long.
  10. Remove them from a dish and put them on a cookie sheet. Place in the fridge and chill for 4 hours.
  11. After chilled, sprinkle the tops with a thin layer of brown sugar. You can use white also, I just like brown more for this.
  12. TORCH! If you don’t have a torch….no worries. Turn on your broiler in your oven, move rack to the highest position, make sure there is still room for the cookie sheet with the ramekins. Place it under the broiler. Watch closely. You don’t want them to burn and they can quickly. It should only take a minute. You want the sugar to get crisp on the top. It is ok for it to have a few dark spots.
  13. Let cool for a minute. SERVE!
Now get creative. Instead of Vanilla flavoring, what else can you think to add? Coconut? Almond? Lemon? What about adding a few berries to the cream mixture?! Oh yes, the sky is the limit! Try it out. Let me know what you came up with!

Amy Lindstrom

  1. […] Turkey Meatloaf with Creamy Asiago Gravy […]

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