Danelle’s Delicious Punch here are the last two super yummy recipes from my friend Kate’s Wedding!
This punch was SO good… and what’s even better?? It’s so easy 🙂
Danelle is also famous (among her friends) for her Pound Cake… I’ve already posted it on my blog once BUT, it’s so fabulous that I’ll add it here again…
Danelle’s Delicious Punch
1 liter bottled white grape juice
1 liter 7-up
1 lime, sliced
Combine juice and 7-up in a large container, mix. Slice limes and float in punch. Serve!
Danelle’s Pound Cake
Preheat oven to 325 degrees, spray or grease (very, very well) a bunt cake pan, then flour, set aside.
In a large mixing bowl cream until fluffy:
1 1/2 C butter
2 1/2 C sugar
5 eggs, one at a time
1 1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp almond extract
In a separate bowl combine the following:
3 C flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 C milk
Alternate the dry mix with milk adding into the sugar mixture. Pour into greased bunt pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 55-60 minutes. Cool on rack for 10 minutes, then invert onto cooling rack to finish cooling.
Note: I really can’t emphasize enough how WELL the pan must be greased or sprayed…. it’s kinda tricky to get out otherwise! I ended up baking two of these little beauties because I didn’t spray the first one well enough!
Both Danelle’s Delicious Punch and Danelle’s Pound Cake recipes are SO good! Danelle is just an awesome cook… thanks so much for sharing 🙂

Danelle and her husband Dean
Here’s a few other random pic’s that I really liked…
Kate’s hair was stunning…

Kate’s hair
Kate’s darling little nephew, eating some of Danelle’s Pound Cake!

Kates nephew
Kate’s darling Grandpa… who has such a wonderful sense of humor!!

Grandpa and Steve
Cute little girls playing on the swings…

Little girls on swings
This adorable photo of Kate and her mom helping her get ready…

Kate and her mom
Here’s a picture of Kate and I as she was heading out the door… as you can tell from all the recipes and pictures, it was a wonderful day! Congratulations to Kate and Steve and their families!! xoxoxo