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Grandma Betty’s Fresh Peach Crisp

I come from a family hedge, not a tree…. My parents divorced when I was very young.  My mom remarried when I was 3 years old so I have lots of grandparents and family members that love and support me. My parents gave my sister and I a supportive and loving up bringing. They handled the situation maturely and successfully co-parented us.  I’m so glad to have had that example in my life. I try really hard to make sure my kids know they have two parents who love them and even though we are divorced we still parent them together.  Everyone that loves them is included in their lives and welcome in our home.  Life is too short… ultimately it’s the kids that are hurt if it’s any different. (I totally get that not ALL people are capable of this, which is really sad) I have a good relationship with my kids dad and his family,  I’ll probably even share some of their recipes. 

This recipe is my Grandma Betty’s… she gave it to my mom when I was a kid.  That may seem like a pretty normal thing for most people but for me, it helps me realize that even though my parents had been divorced for years there was a good enough relationship there to share recipes.  In my grandpa’s office hung a picture for 25 years that my mom helped me and my sister make for him when we were young.  My mom made Gram’s Christmas candy for my paternal grandparents every year, a tradition I carried on once I was married.  I could go on and on but you know the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child”… well, I’m the perfect example.
Betty’s Peach Crisp

Betty’s Apple or Peach Crisp

Pre heat oven 350 degrees
Place fresh apples or peach slice in the bottom of a baking dish or ramekin (personal size can be fun!)

In a mixing bowl cut in:
1 stick butter, softened
2/3 C flour
1 C brown sugar
1 C rolled oats

Sprinkle mixture over fruit. Bake 350 degrees 30 min or until lightly browned. Serve with Whip Cream or Ice Cream and we prefer it warm! Enjoy 🙂

Butter and flour
Cut in with a pastry cutter or 2 knives (this was Gram’s pastry cutter)
Add brown sugar and oats
Slice or dice peaches or apples (I diced for ramekins)
Place fruit in ramekin or baking dish and top with mixture
(Baking dish)
Bake 350 degrees for 30 minutes

This recipe is a favorite of ours in the fall when the fruit is fresh off the tree and in season! I’m forever grateful for the wonderful example my parents gave me of co-parenting.  It has helped me in raising my children… my kids are well rounded, healthy, and I’m proud to be their momma.  

I love all the members of my family hedge 🙂